Priorité à nos animaux, des êtres vivants sensibles et des âmes à écouter!
Séance Reconnexion avec votre animal de compagnie.
Comprendre votre animal, l’aider, le soigner, l’accompagner autrement, en conscience de ses besoins, de qui il est. Le préparer à une intervention chirurgicale, modifier son alimentation, trouver les compléments alimentaires adaptés à sa pathologie. L’aider à avoir un mode de vie plus sain. Apprendre à se connecter et à communiquer avec lui. Si votre animal est perdu, on peut établir une communication pour le retrouver. Et si il a quitté ce monde, vous pourrez savoir comment il va et le message qu’il a à vous transmettre.
Et d’un point de vue de l’âme, savoir qui il est, a été, pourquoi vous vous êtes choisis, et quelle mission vous avez ensemble. Pour être encore plus proche de votre compagnon!
Nos animaux de compagnie peuvent souffrir de troubles physiques et émotionnels, car ils sont sensibles et absorbent les énergies qui les entourent ( les tracas de leurs maitres notamment!). Regardez comme le chat vient se poser sur vous lorsque vous êtes triste, malade, fatigué(e).
Par ce contact, il absorbe l’excédent de vos énergies ou votre mal-être. C’est une des raisons de sa prise de poids (pas que l’excès de nourriture ou le manque d’activité) et du pourquoi il dort autant (pour transformer vos énergies). Mais les animaux eux aussi ont leur tracas, leurs états d’âme propres.
Face à certains troubles physiques, le vétérinaire lui-même peut donc être désarmé après avoir administré des soins classiques. C’est là que les techniques de communications animales que nous avons permettent de comprendre et de résoudre beaucoup de problématiques.
Je me souviens de mon premier « patient à 4 pattes », un chien qui avait un eczéma qu’aucun vétérinaire ne soignait. Désarmée, la propriétaire avait fait appel à moi et en me penchant sur les énergies de l’animal, j’observais un conflit d’abandon et un problème de territoire. Il s’avera que la propriétaire du chien avait acquis un boucq, qui prenait bien de la place !
Une fois ce problème pointé, l’énergie nettoyée et une nouvelle attitude de la propriétaire vis-à-vis de ses deux compagnons, le chien guérit en 3 semaines. Et l’eczéma n’est jamais revenu.
Il est nécessaire d’aider nos animaux à se libérer de ces énergies polluantes. Par le même travail de lecture du corps et de l’âme qu’un humain, l’animal nous informera de ses énergies, besoins, blocages, blessures..
D’un point de vue de l’âme, quel bonheur d’être conscient du pourquoi vous vous êtes choisis ! Eh oui, il peut y avoir des liens d’ âme avec votre animal (karma) et savoir quelle est sa mission à vos côtés et réciproquement renforcera vos liens.
Il est magique, par exemple, d’observer que les animaux qui accompagnent des guérisseurs sont de vrais soignants pour neutraliser les ondes et renforcer le guérisseur (sa protection et nettoyer les éventuelles pollutions suite à ses séances). Mais pour les personnes qui ne sont pas thérapeutes, comme dit précédemment, les ondes du ronronnement du chat permettent d’apaiser bien des tensions, de vous rééquilibrer et de recentrer aussi votre lieu de vie.
L’effet miroir
Tel maitre tel chien ! si on observe un peu leurs comportements, vous comprendrez la relation miroir entre vous. Comprendre les messages qu’il nous transmet. J’ai souvenir qu’à une période où je me sentais nauséeuse, mon chat s’est mis à se purger en avalant des herbes dans le jardin plusieurs fois de suite. Une fois que j’ai compris que ce message m’était adressé (une petite diète s’imposait) , il arrêta net.
L’animal peut aussi vous montrer que vous êtes trop agité et avoir le même comportement jusqu’à ce que vous compreniez qu’il est temps de vous recentrer. Il peut aussi, par son comportement calme, vous montrer qu’il est temps de vous centrer après une journée de travail agitée.
L’observer, le connaître, c’est nous observer et nous connaître davantage.
Pour les séances « Reconnexion avec votre animal de compagnie », l’utilisation de différents outils permet d’avoir une vision globale de l’animal et de travailler sur tous les plans, que ce soit du côté physique, énergétique, émotionnel, sur l’âme et le bagage karmique de votre animal qui a souvent eu plusieurs vies! Il est passionnant de connaître tous ces aspects et la mission de votre animal à vos côtés.
Les outils utilisés sont la communication animale, le nettoyage de l’âme, de ses corps et différence outils qu’utilise la naturopathie comme les compléments alimentaires, les huiles essentielles et les fleurs de bach qui permettent de recentrer et d’apaiser votre compagnon sans utiliser de chimie.
Sans oublier son alimentation! Il est tout ce qu’il ingère, comme nous ! Quand je regarde la composition des produits dans les supermarchés, je prends peur ! N’oubliez pas que les chats par exemple sont carnivores et les céréales de ne sont pas adaptées. Des produits bio et essentiellement à base de protéines sont aussi vraiment indiqués à sa digestion. Et par pitié ne donnez pas de sucre ou de lait à votre compagnon!
Dans une séance, il me communiquera tout ce dont il a besoin et ce qu’il y a à recadrer dans son environnement, sa nourriture, des compléments alimentaires adaptés selon sa pathologie.
On peut prolonger la vie de l’animal, en restant en bonne santé. Il est de notre devoir de lui donner la meilleure nourriture possible dans tous les domaines, relationnelle, environnementale et alimentaire.
il y a une grande transformation à faire dans notre société pour rendre la place de l’animal.
L’animal par exemple n’a pas besoin d’être enfermé et je l’ai observé avec mon chat qui avait été abandonné. A la vue d’une cage pour l’emmener quelque part, c’était l’hystérie. Il nous a expliqué (oui oui!) qu’ il avait juste besoin d’être rassuré et ne se sauverait pas.
Les animaux ont de grosses mémoires d’abandon et il est essentiel de les rassurer et en plus du nettoyage de l’âme que nous pouvons faire en séance.
Ils sont comme les enfants. Ils ne vous appartiennent pas. l’objectif est de les écouter de les rendre libres tout en leur donnant un cadre bien sécure.
Nous avons une vrai prise de conscience à avoir avec les animaux. Nous ne sommes pas leurs propriétaires. Nous en sommes les gardiens et nous devons les protéger comme ils nous protègent de certaines ondes et pollutions, notamment dans notre lieu de vie.
Il est aussi important de réveiller les consciences et de se rendre compte que l’animal a une vrai place. Il n’est pas en dessous de l’humain qui pense qu’il a pouvoir sur tout le monde animal, que tout lui est acquis.
A voir fait la violence faite aux animaux. Il est de notre devoir de nous occuper de notre animal en ayant conscience que c’est une vraie âme qui comprend absolument tout ce que vous lui dites, ressent vos états d’âme, votre énergie. Et c’est vraiment magique d’établir un vrai contact de cœur à cœur, d’âme à âme avec votre animal. Vous verrez à quel point votre relation sera encore plus soudée.
Pour nous apporter beaucoup de joie, notamment les chats et chiens qui nous permettent de développer notre amour inconditionnel.
Un ou deux soins suffiront à le remettre sur « pattes ». Des compléments alimentaires à base de plantes pourront leur être recommandés. Et parfois vous serez aussi sollicité(e) pour recadrer vos énergies (par un soins éventuel)si cela aide la libération de votre animal. Pour que tout soit en Paix dans votre territoire.
Une belle évolution et compréhension de votre animal. Pour renforcer vos liens et complicité.
Travail sur tous les animaux, domestiques ou sauvages, sur photo.
Other treatments
Priority to animals, our dear friends!
Reconnection session with your pet-
Strengthen(ing) the bond with your pet !
Learn how to communicate with your pet.
Understand your animal, help it, care for it, accompany it in a different way, in awareness of its needs, of who they are.
Learn to connect and communicate with them.
If your pet is lost, a communication could be established to find them. And if they have left this world, you would be able to receive the personal message, creating a soul-to-soul connection.
Prepare them for surgery, modify their diet, find the food supplements adapted to their pathology. Help them to have a healthier lifestyle.
From a spiritual point of view, get to know who they are, have been, why you have chosen each other, and what mission you have to achieve together in order to get even closer to your companion.
Faced with certain physical disorders, the veterinarians themselves may be disarmed after having administer the conventional care.
This is where our animal communication techniques allow us to understand and solve many issues!
The fusion and mirror effect with the master
Like master like dog! If you observe carefully your pet’s behavior, you will understand the mirror relationship between you two:
Your pet would repeatedly show you that you were too agitated by behaving in the same manner until you understood it ‘s time to refocus. They can also, by their calm behavior, show you that it is time to calm yourself after a hectic day at work.
Try to understand the messages that have been transmitted to you!
To observe and understand them means to observe and understand ourselves better.
I remember a horse who got agitated each and every time when his owner approached him. I got the explanation from the horse that he caught all the fears from his owner, who was a rigid perfectionist too. The owner couldn’t ride this horse and they were frightened from each other. The horse just wanted to show his owner that it was necessary to become more flexible and relaxed. After our sessions, the owner started to ride his horse again, but he refused to work more on his deeper issues.
By working on the animal, we can improve a lot of things in the quality of our relations, but, in the same time, experience has shown me that working on the owner of the animal was essential, certainly with the aim that they understand their animal, but also so that they can overcome obstacles inside (blockages, illnesses or simply to balance his energies), so that the animal feels better when in contact with its master.
In the same way, if you’ve been working on the aggressiveness of a dog and the owner of the animal hasn’t modify his behaviour yet, for example by integrating more gentleness and kindness, he will continue to do things that irritate the animal and we will not be able to completely achieve our liberation goal.
Considering the example of the horse, which represents perfect mirror of his master and the person who rides him, it is essential that the person who rides the horse is gentle and has no negative emotions, otherwise the horse will pick up these emotions and send them back, showing agitation or undiscipline behaviour. The riding session would become nerve-wracking, if the emotions of the rider haven’t been in control. We ‘ll need to work both on the owner and the pet in order to balance the negative emotions and gain the “positive” mirror effect.
In general terms, one or two sessions would be enough to find this balance, except in the case of huge traumas (one or two sessions more will be needed).
It is really a comprehensive work that requires the master to question himself. Do not forget that the humans have all the cards in their hand to free themselves and their pets.
The animal is only subjected to the human.
Management of food disorders
Nutrition issues and tools for pet’s well-being
The importance of labels’ reading and food quality
I remember that at a time when I was feeling nauseous, my cat started to purge by swallowing herbs in the garden several times in a row. Once I realized it was a message for me (a little dieting was required), it stopped.
We don’t realize how important food is !
Don’t we say « we are what we eat »? This is also true for our animals. They are living creatures who need sufficient calories, good quality food, and without being a purist and going to the BARF method which is recommended by many naturopaths, you can avoid a lot of your pets’ health problems, by giving it organic food (without pesticides), or at least not processed food.
If you read the labels on pet food cans, you will often see the mention « animal by-products »…what does it mean?
Those are the transformed products of the corpses (dead bodies) with poisons from the animals which were euthanized.
Especially avoid food with these mentions, e.g. « meat in sauce » without any nutrients …, certainly cheaper at the beginning, but it will cost you anyway more veterinary fees, given the problems in the medium and long term and your pet’s life expectancy will be considerably decreased.
Don’t forget that cats are carnivores and cereals are not suitable for them. Organic and mainly protein based products are, though, really great for their digestion. And please do not give sugar or milk (dairy products) to your pets!
Many kidney problems, for example, can be avoided by changing the water, by giving good quality water, mineral water or at least filtered water.
Above all, do not drink tap water directly (neither you nor your pet) if you want to avoid any health issue.
I gave this advice within energetic sessions to a cat who had serious thyroid problems and was losing weight. His guardian was desperate!
In three weeks, the weight started to stabilize and then the cat was able to gain weight again.
Decoding tools
One or two energetic sessions really allow us to define and solve the issue, whether it is physical and emotional, food disorder, behavioural problems.
It is a global approach that allows us to go in depth to target the problems and at the same time to grasp all the areas, to make your animal happy, full of vitality and in better health.
The decoding during the treatment allows us to determine exactly what the animal needs, in terms of nutrients, caloric intake, and advise you on the most suitable diet.
The tools used are communication with the pet, soul and body cleansing as well as naturopathic tools such as food supplements, essential oils and Bach flowers that allow you to soothe and rebalance your pet without using chemicals. A healthy diet session can completely restore it, enabling you to welcome positive results in the matter of weeks!
The life of our pet can be extended, while remaining in good health at the same time. It is our duty and mission to give them the best possible nutritional energy in all life areas.
Deblocking of behavioral disorders
Our pets can suffer from physical and emotional disorders, because they are sensitive and absorb the energies that surround them especially, as mentioned above, negative emotions from their masters!
However, it‘s worth mentioning that animals also have their own worries and their own different moods. Animals usually have an extensive memory of abandonment, violent experiences and careless breeding and it is essential to offer them a safe environment, in addition to the soul cleansing that we perform during the sessions.
I remember my first « four-legged patient », a dog with eczema that no veterinarian could treat. Desperate owner had called me and by diving into his pet’s energies , I observed a conflict of abandonment and a problem of territory. It turned out that the dog’s owner had acquired a billy goat, which was taking up a lot of space from the dog!
Once this problem was identified, the energies were cleaned up and the attitude of the owner towards her two companions was changed, the dog healed in 3 weeks. Needless to say, the eczema never came back.
The animal does not need to be locked up neither, the fact that I noticed with my cat which had been previously abandoned. Just a sight of a cage was enough to trigger an anxiety attack. It explained to us (yes, yes!) that it just needed to be reassured and would not run away.
Whenever I have to go somewhere with my cat I carry it in my arms in a soft vest. Whether it is to go a few kilometers or to the other end of France as we recently did (we traveled 3000 kilometers, changing places several times) and everything went well because I understood that I should never tie it up or put it in a cage.
Without the communication with the animal, I wouldn’t have been able to have this information and adapt my behavior to my pet.
I also had the opportunity to work on racehorses that had behavioral problems, refused to move forward…and tendonitis repeatedly : their sufferings were materialized through different tendonitis issues, as a way to sabotage the mission enforced on them by their owner.
In fact, by tuning into their souls, their unconscious, the horses explained to me that this work of discipline was a chore for them, always having to give their best when they just wanted to have less constraints.
I realized how unhappy they were to always have to meet the expectations of their masters
Certainly , when their safety is at stake and you ask your pet not to move to avoid a car, yes
but to train constantly your pets, to make them do repetitive exercises and chores… is it really necessary…?
Man mistreats the animal and wants to constantly format it and control it.
It is necessary to apprehend all their aspects, either spiritual or basic, material parts of your companion, in order to create a comprehensive framework for them.
Wanting to discipline your pet to establish your omnipotence does not seem to me the best way to go: we should help our animals to free themselves from those polluting energies.
By using the same patterns of reading the body and the soul as for the humans, the pet will inform us of its energies, needs, blockages, physical and emotional traumas.
Current life experiences and karmic baggage : Animals’ memories
By observing the energy reading, we noted that the behavioral disorders could originate not only from present one, but also from their past lives.
From a soul point of view, what a joy it is to become aware of why you have chosen each other! Yes, there may be a soul (karmic) link between you and your pet and getting to understand that mission at both sides will strengthen mutual ties.
During the sessions « Reconnecting with your pet », the usage of different tools allows you to grasp a general overview of your animal and to work on all the levels, whether it is on the physical, energetical and emotional side, or on the soul and the karmic level of your pet, which often had had several different lives! It is exciting to comprehend all these aspects and the mission of your pet in your life.
Rebalancing and release of physical and emotional trauma – scars of abandonment
The pet has to be respected as a being in its own right. Put yourself in their place : they live among giants, cannot see as we can (blurred vision for the cat, black and white for the dog, towards the ground). It is important to understand that this kind of vision easily triggers fears; so, we need to be gentle, and not to use our human superiority.
The livelihood of our pets depends on our good care, in a same way as a child who needs love as much as food to develop, the pet craves attention and affection. For example, the cat needs the same level of affection, even though we perceive it as independent!
On the emotional and sensitive level, it does not want to be locked down, in a cage for example, just like all of us, neither physically nor metaphorically!
Not to mention already experienced violence against them! It is our duty to take care of our animal by being aware that they are the real souls that understand absolutely everything you tell them, feel your moods and your energies. It is necessary to help our pets to free themselves from those polluting energies. By the same work of reading the body and the soul as a human, the animal will inform us of its energies, needs, blockages, physical and emotional traumas
Reconnecting with your pet and/or establishing contact with your lost pet
As part of a session, they would communicate to me what is needed to be set up or reframed in their environment, their food and/or food supplements adapted according to their pathology.
One or two treatments will be enough to get them back on their feet. Food supplements based on plants can be recommended to them as well. And sometimes, it will be needed for you to reshape your behavior and your state of mind (if necessary, you will be asked to go through an energetic session) if it helps the liberation of your pet, with the ultimate goal to achieve harmony in your personal space.
It is really magical to establish a real heart to heart, soul to soul link to your pet. You will see how much closer your relationship will get.
Lost pets
Very often, the pets escape our household, and do not manage to come back. There could be various reasons, but in general terms, it is generated from their curiosity or desire to meet other humans or animals. With the simple photo, we could establish connection with them, get to know if there are in urgent situation or are in good shape. We’ll get the visual information in order to locate them.
If they disappeared forever, we ‘ll be able to sent you a message from them in order to comprehend what happened and smoothly go through mourning process.
Notice how the cat comes to lay on you and purrs when you are sad, sick or tired. By this contact, it absorbs the excess of your (negative) energies or your discomfort. This is one of the reasons why it gains weight (not only because of excess food or lack of activity), and why it sleeps so much (to transform your energies). For the people who are not therapists, as mentioned before, the waves of the cat’s purr can ease many tensions, calm them down and rebalance their living space.
Cat can feel literally everything, to the point that it can “discover” the existing disease. I remember one cat owner, frequently being visited by a woman friend. At some point, they realized that cat always lay down on the woman’s belly with persistence. She wasn’t feeling well at the time, so she finally went to a medical examen and the I stage uterus cancer was discovered. Thanks to the cat’s reaction, the worst was avoided.
It is magical, for example, to notice that the animals accompanying healers are the real healers, by neutralizing the waves and strengthen the healer ‘s protection, by cleaning up any pollution following the sessions.
I had an animal patient who had a strong inflammation of the gums for months and no solution was found by the vet. By doing an energetic treatment to the cat and the owner, the cat was relieved, but the problem was exerted on his owner who also had a dental problem, which was easily solved by his dentist. By fusion, the cat had absorbed the owner’s pain.
The pet is there to relieve human beings of their wounds, but if we do not do the work of cleaning to release those negative energies taken from humans (e.g. when the pet takes away a serious disease) , it could cost us the pet’s life: the animal absorbs the negative energies of its owners, going as far as to develop diseases that hinder its life expectancy, if we don’t act upon in advance.
The animal absorbs the energies of the disease of owners, which can lead to its physical death. Even if it is their role, it is important to preserve them, taking care of us and them at the same time.
A lot of things cannot be done, if, as a priority, humans don’t carefully question and examine their behaviour towards their pets.
Give back a righteous place to all pets thanks to awareness rise and behavioral changes
We can grasp a real awareness by being with our pets, since they are child-like. They represent the distinct beings, with the same divine soul, like us humans, so we need to be their partners, not their “owners”. We represent their guardians and we must protect them as they protect us from certain frequency waves and pollution, especially in our living environment.
It is of utmost importance to wake up consciences and to realize that the animals have a real place in our world. They are not below the human who thinks that he has power over the whole animal world, which is “submitted” to him.
In our life path, we always attract the pet when we need to get to the larger consciousness level.
Animals bring us much joy, especially cats and dogs in our households, allowing us to develop our unconditional love.
Achieve greater understanding and developments with your pet.
Strengthen your ties and complicity.
Treatment possible on all animals, domestic or wild,
What we need is your pet’s name, its birthdate (at least its birth year) full face and whole body photos
remotely, in France and all over the world.
Autres soins possibles
Soins retrouver santé et poids de forme
L’objectif de cette séance est, d’une part, de cerner tout blocage émotionnel ou mental à cet objectif, et d’autre part, de cerner les aliments négatifs et positifs.
Les aliments négatifs sont ceux qui encrassent votre organisme. Les aliments positifs sont ceux dont vous seul(e) avez besoin pour atteindre votre poids de forme.
C’est un véritable programme personnalisé, établi pour plusieurs semaines. Une grille alimentaire quotidienne vous est donnée (répartition des glucides, protéines, nombre de fruits quotidien, etc).
Cette séance peut être complétée d’un soin dit «de motivation» axé sur un rééquilibrage des énergies et du mental et/ou de séances de stimulation des points lymphatiques pour évacuer les toxines.
Soins dits de «Motivation»
Ces séances ont pour objectif de cerner les causes des dépendances, de s’en libérer par le biais de la bioénergie; mais aussi de renforcer la motivation à l’arrêt par les points pour retrouver l’équilibre.
Objectif : se libérer de la dépendance alimentaire, tabac, alcool, jeu, etc
Soins pour futures mamans
Suivi de grossesse et préparation à l’accouchement, d’un point de vue émotionnel et énergétique et pour les BEBES (pour de bonnes nuits).
Préparation aux examens/confiance
Pour la préparation aux examens, aux concours, pour le permis de conduire…
Ces séances ne sont pas réservées qu’aux élèves. A tout âge, vous pouvez avoir envie de passer un examen pour changer de vie. Mais parfois les doutes et les peurs d’échec s’installent. Une ou deux séances vous aideront à balayer les peurs, les doutes… pour retrouver confiance en vous et en vos capacités à réussir; vous aider à étudier (concentration) plus facilement.